
What could be the case of hip and joint paint to the point of not being able to sit or stand in a 10 yr old?

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What could be the case of hip and joint paint to the point of not being able to sit or stand in a 10 yr old?He's been sick for 4 months now and on the waiting for UCLA Children's Hospital. All the blood tests are coming back normal as well as the MRI. The only thing he tested positive for was the rheumatoid factor (and slightly anemic) but he doesn't have rheumatoid arthritis per 2 doctors. He's starting to lose his balance when he stands/walks and can't sit down for any amount of time without pain from the hips down to the ankles (including the muscles). The only comfortable position he can be in with the least amount of pain is flat on the floor - even sleeping on an extremely comfortable mattress hurts. Regardless of where he sleeps at night, he is woken up in the middle of the night with pain. He is taking naprosyn per the UCLA doctor until he can get in to see her. Has anyone else experienced this or know anything about this? He was negative for lupus, mono, lyme disease, ankylosing spondylitis.
We are on the waiting list for a pediatric neurologist and pediatric ophthalmologist also. Watching my son in pain and being stuck in limbo because of the "system" is so frustrating. If it were their children they would see him. Our family doctor keeps calling to emphasize the urgency but it's gotten us nowhere so far.

Osteoporosis comes to mind as well as disc problems. See a neruologists. Could be a degenerative form of arthritis, or as I stated before some type of nerve damage on his spinal cord, compressing a nerve and disc.

My mother sufferred from this and eventually had to have a full hip replacement. She sought the advice of a neurologist and an Orthopedic Surgeon.

It sounds like juvenile rhumatoid arthritis. There are tests for it. What about muscular dystrophy or multiple sclerosis? Would one of those feather down comforters or mattress toppers be more comfortable for him to sleep on? Poor kid. I hope they can help him.

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