
How do I know if my 10 yr. old Female Chocolate Lab has Arthritis ?

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How do I know if my 10 yr. old Female Chocolate Lab has Arthritis ?I am not sure what to look for ,She is a Little/Lot overweight .She seems tired and annoyed When she has to move off the couch,like mmm,and a sigh . Some suggested Glucosamine for her ? Please advice me..Thank you Lisa

Please take the weight off her - it is not good for joints, human or animal. Only your vet could tell you, but you could try giving her an aspirin - NOT Tylenol - and see if she moves a bit better.

First off your dog needs to be put a diet if she is over weight. The best suggestion is a 27% protein 15% fat dog food. you can buy this in a cheaper dog food but the percentages need to be as stated.Also follow the portion suggestion on the bag the dog honestly doesn't eat that much food a day, you may be surprised how little they really need with a good quality dog food. 2nd NO TABLE FOOD. If your dog is used to table scraps I highly suggest no more unless it is pure protein like chicken. Rice is good and combining them is good, but try to stick to one food and not changing alot. Steak bones are ok. A multi vitamin may be good but with a good diet not necessary. Labs are prone for hip displasia (not sure if you had your dog checked for that) But arthritis is common also. Exercise your dog by walking several short walks aday. Be sure not to over fatigue your pet. If your dog has arthritis you may not ever rid your dog of it but keeping her comfortable is very important and a must. A good weight is only a small portion of the battle. And most importantly get her to the vet make sure you get the correct diagnosis for her. That way your treating her properly.

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