
Arthritis Info: has anyone out there almost died or had an unexplained infection while on humira?

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has anyone out there almost died or had an unexplained infection while on humira?My mother was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in her early thirties. She is now 49 and has been taking Humira for about 1 year. Two days after her last injection, she developed a fever of 103.5; four days later she was on life support and the family was called in to say goodbye. It is day 50 that my mom has been in the hospital and she is in now in rehabilitation (and doing great!). But all of the cultures, the excision of a lymph node (to rule out lymphoma), and the excision of two pieces of lung tissue, the doctors never found out why she had pneumonia-like syptoms every time they took her off the antibiotics. Her sickness came back full-blown 3 times over the last 50 days, and I just want to know who else this has occurred top. Also, the doctors noted that her white blood cell count did not elevate at all during her entire stay. How prevalent is this sort of mysterious lung infection and how many of the cases involve those on tumor necrosis factor-alpha blockers?

Firstly, I wish the best to your family, and hope for a full recovery.

I saw this question, and I immediately went to an online PDR (Physician Desk reference) and oddly I've found nothing on Humira or its trade name.

I finally broke down and went against my gut and looked at the humira site. They are normally biased and offer little detail on their side effects- other than whats mandated by law. Which sadly isn't a lot.

All I know is that you can contract tuberculosis, or TB, from it, which is very serious. You can also reactivate a dormant condition of Hepatitis B, which without proper treatmen causes problems later on.

I hope this has helped you out a bit. And once this has passed, I think you might want to think of taking up a suit with the medical company. These "side effects" far out weigh the discomfort RA can bring to a person. Their medication has caused your mom a large portion of trouble.

Again, best wishes!! Hopefully I was able to help. I have listed the sources I got my information from, and there's a bit more to read over.

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