
Arthritis Info: What are the foods and drinks one should not take who is suffering from rheumatism?

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What are the foods and drinks one should not take who is suffering from rheumatism?

eat fresh raw, organic foods, avoid all processed foods, and drink lots of water.

Look there are a lot of myths out there concerning arthritis. You just need to do like anyone else to stay healthy.

Get some exercising- walking is the best exercise there is and gentle stretching helps with the achy joints and stiffness.

Reducing your stress level. Everyone knows that stress can cause you not to be able to deal with the pain and can actually make your pain levels feel worse.

eat a well balanced diet consisting of fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, leans meats, lots of water. Limiting your intake of too many refined sugars and too much salt that isn't good for anyone. Not saying you can't have it, but everything in moderation. If you have to have chocolate do darn chocolate versus milk. It is healthier and easier on your teeth.

Limit all sodas. Diet is even worse than regular soda. Think of all the chemicals you are putting into your body and soda actually robs your body of vitamins and minerals including Iron.

Take a good absorbing all purpose vitamin. One that contains a little of everything, but don't go overboard. You don't need all these different pills to make you feel better.

Just having an overall lifestyle change- your stress levels, the way you think about life, staying positive, eating well, drinking plenty of water, getting out and walking, get some sunshine, spend quality time with those that you love and for yourself, fill your mind with good thoughts, get your weight to a normal and healthy number.

I hope you start to feel better soon.

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