
Arthritis Info: Kidney Tumor diagnosis and treatment options? Mom is over 60 .?

Hi,I did the following:

Kidney Tumor diagnosis and treatment options? Mom is over 60 .?Good afternoon,
I posted this question last night and it seems like I may have missed out on some information.
My Mother is well advanced in her age, around 74, still sharp and semi active though retired.
My mom's side of the family does have a medical history of high blood and Diabetes.
Just last week she was found to have a tumor at her kidneys. Upon further examinaton via MRI
The tumor is found to be 3x3 cm big growing outside her kidney.
No biopsy has been done yet, however it was mentioned that the tumor is malignant.

I am highly unfamiliar on the treatment and diagnosis of kidney tumor and my queston are as follows

1. What are the possible treatments for kidney tumor. How will it be further dianosed/ tested?
2. At my mom's advanced age is surgery a safe procedure for her? is it survivable? I am not familiar with this

3. Is a 3x3CM tumor a bad thing? Is it cancerous at this point with that size

4. What are the common symptoms, what should I be concerned of?
5. is there any related literature I can read
6. hat is the mortality rate of a Kidney Tumor

My mom lives with my dad, and since my other siblings have a family already, I am obligated to drive her around when needed and my dad recently suffered a stroke so he could no longer drive. I am just preparing myself for things to come.

At this point I am working with my brothers to find a specialist to get a 2nd opinion just to weigh out options. My mother is indeed visibly upset about the situation

There are no medical experts here.

Look here instead:

-Richard L
Mayo Clinic has three sites in the US. One in Minnesota, one in Florida, and one in Arizona. My dad had primary kidney cancer and was treated in Minnesota by them and did well. In his case, they used a fine needle to bring heat to the tumor, killing it. Five years out he has no detectable cancer. He is 81. Not in great health, but still working 40 hours a week.
They can answer your questions and have a good web site.

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