
Prescription Help ASAP!!!!!!?

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Prescription Help ASAP!!!!!!?So, my mom just told me that she has run out of some of her medicines she needs for her Rheumatoid Arthritis and Mixed Connective Tissue Disesase. Those would be: Sulfasalazine and Plaquenil. She also needs to take: Ferrex. How can she get these prescriptions filled at a pretty cheap cost...ASAP?!!?

-V L W
If she has run out because she needs another prescription from the doctor called in, some pharmacies will give a person enough for approximately three days. This allows them to get the medication while waiting for the doctor's office to call in the new prescription. If she has run out due to a financial situation, most doctor's have medications that are provided by the drug company reps that stop into the office on a regular basis.

try wal-mart some of the meds might fall under their new 4.00 program. also call her doctor. if she has no prescription coverage often some states will have prescription assistance programs.

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