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help with english essay?essay is on cloning i would like any feedback possible.

Good or Bad?

Cloning is the process of making a clone, a genetically identical copy. Cloning can refer to the technique of producing a genetically identical copy of an organism by replacing the nucleus of an unfertilized ovum with the nucleus of a body cell from the organism. Cloning is an issue that only recently has come to light. The technology, still in its infancy, has roused strong views in opposition. Supporters feel that, with the careful continuation of research, the technological benefits of cloning clearly outweigh the possible social consequences. While some believe it is total unethical and wrong.

Clones could potentially have the ability to greatly save employers loads of money on labour costs. Clones could become the new type of slave labour as such. Clone are easily replaceable meaning they would not have to worry about the 'Ocupation health and safety rules', Instead they'd be used then when they start to under perform they can be thrown away and be replaced with a fresh. So in a way clones would become the era of batteries for builders. They would be cheap and are easily replaceable. But this would come at a cost to family's. It would make it harder to get a good well paying job because your employers have probably gone for the cheaper option(clones) then the more reliable option(you).

Ecologist would disagree with the benefits cloning saying it would waste precious resources on an unneeded novelty. Clones would use a lot of energy during the time they are being produced, then they would waste a lot of during the time of their lives. This would add loads more of unneeded C02 in the the Earth s Atmosphere. Ecologist would argue saying that polluting the earth more only to house more people is just pumping even more unneeded C02 in into our already over polluted Earth.

Scientist studying in the field of medicine would argue saying that Cloning could increase the average life expectancy. Scientist could be able to clone body parts e.g. liver. This would mean Hospital surgery's would no longer required a waiting transplant list to get an organ transplant. Instead it would be able to provide faster and more efficient means of medical procedures, giving it the potential to save billions of lives around the world.

Churches of most religions would argue cloning is 'Evil' because clones would not posses a spirit, meaning they can not enter the kingdom of God. If a living creature cannot be accepted by God then that must mean it could only be accepted by the Devil. Religion would also argue about cloning be evil, because the people who are producing them are playing god. People may think that playing God is evil, But playing God can also bring about many benefits to society.

Cloning provides the ability to enhance reproduction of endangered species. This would mean that we would not have to worry about species becoming extinct. When a species becomes endangered we could simply clone them to rise their population back up. This would mean we wouldn't have to worry about Wale hunters, Ivory hunter or poachers because we could always reproduce the certain specie that's endangered. But this also comes at a cost of people able to manipulate it to bring back people from the dead e.g. Hitler.

Cloning can also cause abnormalities in my ways. The clone could be born with arthritis or some other discomforting disease, the clone cloud also be born with disfigurement. This happen to 'Dolly' (worlds first sheep cloned) she was born with arthritis and also had an ageing problem when she aged to rapidly. Also if a disease affected one type of clone it would effect all of same type because they all share exactly the same genes. (e.g. if there is a forest full of the same cloned trees, if a disease kills one, then it will kill the rest because they all share the same immune system.)

Cloning has many Benefits as well and many negatives. So is it good or bad? well, what do u think? every one has different views on life because everyone shares different lives. But what if we didn't what if were all the same like clones will be? what would we all think then...

Start off with something interesting, maybe a short dialog or story before you even explain what cloning is. This will help draw your reader in and get them interested in the topic.
Other than that, not too bad except for some grammatical and punctuation issues.

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