
Should prednisone significantly reduce swelling for inflammatory arthritis?

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Should prednisone significantly reduce swelling for inflammatory arthritis?I've been tentatively diagnosed with some form of inflammatory arthritis. It started in my foot, and moved to my knee. I've had 2 MRIs, a bone scan, and Xrays and they are saying arthritis.
I've also had alot of bloodwork and everything looks normal except for my sed rate which is significantly elevated.

I am seeing a rheumatologist. At my 1st appointment she put me on 10mg of prednisone a day. She acted like I would feel a difference right away. After a week with no relief I went back to see a physician's assistant. She doubled my dose of prednisone so now I am on 20mg a day. She said it should make me feel at least 50% better. The problem is that my knee is incredibly swollen and sore in the morning and evening. She didnt say that the prednisone would take care of all the swelling, but it sounded like it should help with the swelling and with the pain.
Its 1.5 weeks later and my knee is still huge and sore. The soreness I can deal with, aleve helps. I want a normal sized knee!

-pretty black
prednisone is a steroid, i would c another dr. cuz i dont c how it helps or would help arthritis

Prednisone is a steroid and should help with arthritis, however with you it doesn't seem to be working as well as it should. I would get a second opinion . Prednisone will cause a person to put on weight...but at the same time yes it is used for swelling. The aleve is also a anti inflamatory. good luck to you.

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