
Arthritis Info: Could this be rheumatoid arthritis?

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Could this be rheumatoid arthritis?Note: I have seen doctors. I have x-ray and bloodwork results pending. This question is in mere hope of relieving my anxiety. I'll include as much information as I can.

22-year-old male.

Anyway, the main symptom that worries me is deformity of my right hand.
It started with the pinky, rotating such that when I now bend it, it goes to the bottom-middle of my palm, instead of the bottom-side like it always has. It's angled approximately 30°.

With this, I had hand pain.
It started in my middle finger.
It then spread to middle and fourth finger.
I then had a sharp, shooting pain between the fingers.
Then other pains in fingers 2-5, and along the outside-side of my hand.

All of my fingers on that hand (except thumb) are now angled a bit. Pinky is still worst.
Pain is mostly gone now, about 1-2 weeks later.

No nodules or bumps can be found.
Hand is a little stiff in the morning, though not that bad, and not for long. I just figured it was from inactivity.
No swelling or inflammation can be found.
No fever.
I have had pains in a foot and knee, however those are likely from injury, and have improved significantly. There is fatigue localized in the injured parts of my body (Hand/arm, knee, foot). This is, hopefully, from all the effort being put into healing.

One doctor said he couldn't see any deformity. I was surprised to hear that.
A second doctor, same day, said he couldn't comment on it being normal or not, having not seen me before.

Both said the pain was tendonitis.
They did tests for carpal tunnel syndrome, which came out negative.

My dad has osteoarthritis in his hip.
My paternal grandmother had some issue with her knee, brought on by old age, limiting her movement. I don't know much about it.
My maternal grandmother has arthritis (Unsure of type, likely osteo) in her hands.
I have scoliosis (Curvature of the spine). I got it from my mother.

It's possible the pain was tendonitis, though this deformity worries me.
The pain is 95% gone, but the deformity has gotten a little worse (Before just the pinky, now fingers 2-5)
One theory of mine is the pinky got rotated somehow, and all the other joints were rubbing (Hence pain). I then theorize they move away to not have collision, hence a relief of pain, yet worsening of deformity.

Possible causes of traumatic injury include excessive game-based keyboard use with the middle fingers, and a failed attempt to please girlfriend with hands. (Not to sound vulgar, though I can see injury from how hard I tried)

My grip is still fairly strong, however due to deformity, it's hard to grasp things, like when opening a bottle.

Could this be rheumatoid arthritis?
What else could it be?
P.S.: I know this seems stupid, but I begin a teaching job in 3 days. I want to be able to devote myself to my students, and not be distracted by concerns of a painful degenerative disease.

Did you even try to look up the definition and/or symptoms or causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis before asking? I highly doubt this or you would already know that you don't suffer from it, nor have you even had the necessary blood test taken. To test for it the doctor needs to specify the RA "titer" on the slip for the lab to know that they need to look for this specific thing. Without it they just test for whatever else is on it. Please don't think about this particular disorder either. Although the word arthritis is attached this is an auto-immune disorder and works the same way. You can't get it by trying to "please" your girlfriend or even over use of any body part. No one, not even a doctor can or will diagnose a health problem over the internet, not even with pictures attached. You should have given allot more then 3 days before wanting an answer. Good luck and God Bless

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