
How does a person change their life without really changing it?

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How does a person change their life without really changing it?How do you change your life without really changing it? I am 30 years old and my happiness is at 30%. I need something new and big! I feel like I need to take the NUMEROUS amount of skills and talents and use them in some way. Unfortunatly, the only way I know how is the internet. Let me give you MY SKILLS and TALENTS, and you can tell me what I should do.
First of all though, I will throw a number in front of it to show how well I am at what I do OUT OF 10.
10 Graphic Artist
7 Making Cakes (3 Tier wedding cakes, Birthday Etc..)
8 Website building
9 Flash Design
9 Painting/Art
9 Cooking Pizzas,Italian by Scratch (worked as a cook)
10 Full of Advice for people ( Could be next Dr. Phil)
10 Figuring out things on my own! ANYTHING!
8 Medically Knowledgable ( I am Hyperchondriac sometimes and read medical books since I was 16 years old)

9 For Driving (Knock on Wood)
10 Computer repair/Rebuilding
4 on Physical Health ( I have ANkylosing SPondylitis) Arthritis
5 appearance
I want to add that I DO have a Fiance and we are 5 years into our relationship. We are wanting to get marrie on 08/08/08! August 8th is when we met, Also. We are content in our one bedroom house. We will have it paid off in 2 years. But I want more out of my life! I want to start an online Business for corporations to come to me or something like that.That way I am always here for my Fiance and we can gain more so we can live confortably. Like having a decent home, maybe athree beddroom house or add some additions on my current home. THE AMERICAN DREAM if you want to call it that. How do I use my skills?

there is a game called second life, i think you migh tlike it check it out, secondlife.com

to change your life without changing it, you have to start living. get off the computer, and get a girlfriend, or if you are more comfortable on the computer, check out some dating websites. have fun, go clubbing every now and then, to meet some new people. good luck =)

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