
Can A Major Car Accident Trigger Arthritis?

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Can A Major Car Accident Trigger Arthritis?I was In the middle of a major car pile up here in Adelaide South Australia. Me and my friend was the 2nd car in the row of a 4 car pile up on the 14th March 2009, 3 Cars including mine was at a stop at a red light, when a car smashed up the arse of the car behind us doing 120kph and never braked. my car was a total write off and i incurred spine , hip and left knee injuries as a result of it.
since then my pain is severe in my lower to mid spine , hips and left leg to the toes. ive had ct scans on my spine and i have sudden osteo arthritic changes, i had a bone scan done which also confirms my spine problems, and also arthritis changes in my hips and left leg.
I have all my past xrays of my spine and hips and legs from the ages of 12 to now Im almost 33.. and there has never been any trace of arthritis whatsoever, my doctor refuses to help what can i do? i have a lawyer and i need to prove its triggered by this car accident i had.

1st - get another doc.
2nd - if your lawyer doesn't specialize in injuries, get one who does. he will have a doc for you that can help you AND will be able to show(prove) cause and effect of this accident. Good Luck!

-Douglas B
I have been there too, not having a dr. that wanted to get involved. Mine actually told me he thought it was all in my head. Ended up I had a vertebrae out of place in my neck and a compressed disc in my back. Dr.'s usually like to have proof of what they are saying, at least to insurance co.'s and lawyers. Everything you have doesn't show up so he is holding back on his involvement. I'm sorry I can't be of any more help than that. But I can take care of your pains for you. and here's how to get rid of the pain in your back. Rest your right elbow on your right leg. take your left hand and go up and over your right shoulder and with your fingers find the muscle next to your spine. press on it and hold Now relax, take a deep breath and exhale and don't tense up any part of your body. Wait 30 seconds and then do a slow, controlled drop into your lap, doing a little extra stretch to your left just as you land in your lap. Release the pressure and hold that position for one minute. Reverse things and do the other side. I don't know if you wish to continue with the rest of them or not,especially with what you having going on there. If you would like to get rid of the rest of the pain let me know and I will pass along that information as well.

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