
help with rheumatoid arthritis?

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help with rheumatoid arthritis?my girlfriend (she's 13 years old) was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis about a year ago. but she can't afford health care because her biological father quit his job. its fairly severe and she takes medication but hasn't yet undergone any serious physical therapy. she's developing nodules.

i was hoping someone could tell me what i, she, her family, or anyone can do to help her and let her keep her full range of motion. she plays 5 instruments and music is her life. it would kill her if she couldn't play because of it... any advice would be appreciated. thanks in advance

-Jenna mae
my mom suffers from rheumatoid arthritis and i know what a struggle it is. If medication isnt working out I suggest a homeopathic remedy, People think it doesnt work but my mom's arthritis has gotten so much better. Give it a shot.. It's not very expensive and it works wonders. look into it. I think it's adorable how you want to help her, your a good boyfriend and she's lucky to have you.

I hop eit all works out, good luck!

So sorry to hear about your girlfriend.

Medical research has discovered that there are foods that promote inflammation (avoid these foods) and foods that reduce inflammation, so eat these foods.

Foods that promote inflammation are all junk foods, that is processed foods. White bread, white rice, biscuits, lollies, cake are out. Cows milk products are out - find alternative source for calcium - maybe soy milk.

Fruits and vegetables are in. Olive oil, oily fish, almonds contain Omega 3 Oils which is very good for reducing inflammation.

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Arthritis Medication, Prevention, Symptoms, Treatment and Causes by Gooarthritis.info

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