
Cervical Pathology Degenerative Disc Disease

Cervical Pathology Degenerative Disc Disease

Shows a lateral view of a normal and a degenerate C6-7 segment during flexion--extension. Also shows a superior view of C6-7 disc and C7 vertebra during the natural progress of degenerative disc disease -- nucleus degeneration, vertebral body lipping, ligamentum flava hypertrophy/kinking, facet joint cartilage degeneration and osteophytes, spinal canal stenosis and nerve root radiculopathy. When you sit, stand up, bend or twist, large compressive forces are applied to your spine. There are several factors that determine the ability of your inter-vertebral discs to handle these forces: your inherited make-up disc health -- worsened by smoking, poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyle, weak muscles, and obesity ageing poor posture -- while sitting, standing and lifting heavy loads during home, work or sporting activities. DISC INJURY When the forces applied to your neck exceed the strength of your discs, minor injuries to the disc can occur. It is important to note these injuries may or may not hurt at the time they occur. DISC DEGENERATION As the continuous stresses and repeated injuries accumulate, they cause wear and tear on the spine's discs and joints. Some people are more susceptible to this degeneration, for reasons that are unclear. Often the annulus of the inter-vertebral disc is the first area injured. Small tears occur that heal with weaker scar tissue. As more scar tissue accumulates, the annulus becomes weaker overall. This damages the inner nucleus, which loses it ...

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Cervical Medial Branch Neurolysis

This movie illustrates the technique for performing a cervical medial branch neurolysis. This movie shows patient positioning, skin preparation, local anesthetic injection, needle introduction over the medial branch nerve, low temperature test to check the catheter tip position, local anesthetic injection, high temperature neurolysis, steroid injection to minimize inflammation, and finally wound dressing. The facet joint connects the inferior articular process of the vertebra above, with the superior articular process of the vertebra below. Adjacent vertebra are connected by a right and left facet joint. They are sometimes referred to as zygopophysial joints or z-joints. A facet joint can be a source of neck pain. The medial branch nerve transmits this pain message on its way to the brain. A medial branch neurolysis or ablation destroys a section of this nerve to prevent the nerve transmitting the pain message to the brain. A medial branch neurolysis is usually done after at least two facet joint injections and/or a medial branch block have shown the facet joint to be the cause of your pain. As each facet joint is supplied by the medial branch nerve above and below the facet joint, both nerves will often need to be ablated. The nerve will grow back, and the pain will return, but this can take one to two years. In the meantime, the resulting pain relief allows a rehabilitation program to be commenced. The neurolysis procedure can be repeated as required, and it is much ...
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Orignal From: Cervical Pathology Degenerative Disc Disease

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