
call me crazy, but doesn't it seem like most everyone has a disease?

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call me crazy, but doesn't it seem like most everyone has a disease?don't get all preachy on me now.... because i know there will be some people out there who pounce on me for saying this...

but this is just an observation i've made and I wonder if i'm the only one who notices it. am i in perfect health? nope. i'm sure there is some sort of time bomb in me somewhere waiting for the right time to go off. everyone dies some way. but this is an observation i've noticed about today's society.

50 years ago we didn't have all of the medical information we have today. and medical advancement is a wonderful thing! but i'm just curious as to whether or not people think our society may have gone too far and gotten too pill dependent. Pharmaceutical companies must love us.

With a new disease being coined/discovered all the time. it's strange to me that almost every person you meet has some sort of illness plaguing them.

if it's not mental illness it's digestive, behavioral... the list goes on and on.... ADD, ADHD, chromes, ciliac, fibroid mialgia, overactive bladder, under-active bladder, arthritis, migraines, cysts, the list is endless.

do you think we are a society on a quest for a diagnosis?

don't get me wrong... these are horrible things to have to endure... but doesn't it sometimes seem like some people won't stop until they have a disease to label themselves with?
another thought... how many of these diseases were completely preventable? how many people out there do you think have driven themselves to the state they are in? there are many diseses out there that did not exist in the "good old days" that are running rampid today.
congratulations "someone". you are the person i predicted would take it the wrong way. yes, there are people out there who Legitimately have these diseases. it is not those people i am referring to. i am referring to those who have absolutly nothing wrong with them, but will go to the ends of the earth to find something wrong with them.
Thank you Poobah.... i knew there had to be something wrong with me ;o)
also, what role do you think sites such as webmd and pharmaceutical commercials has played in this issue?

yea people just want an excuse for the way they behave sometimes and they call it a mental illness like you said
there may be some really crazy people out there
but what if that's the way they where meant to be
but yea we have taken it to far

Yea and the biggest one of all is that they are overweight cos they can't help it. They have a 'problem'. Yes you do. YOU EAT TOO MUCH AND DRIVE EVERYWHERE

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