
what causes arthritis?

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arthritis of the eye
by SS&SS

what causes arthritis?a scruffy man wandered into a bar and sat down next to a priest. the mans clothes were dirty, he had lipstick smudges on his face, and a half empty bottle of gin was sticking out of his pocket. he opened his newspaper and began listing to his headphones. after a few seconds he took the headphones off and turned to the priest. 'hey father, what causes arthritis?'
the priest eyeing the guy up and down in a disapproving manner, said, arthritis is caused by loose living, running around with cheap, vulgar hussies, too much drink, and a contempt for fellow man.'
'well I'll be damned,' muttered the drunk, putting his headphones back on. after a moment, the priest began to feel guilty about his unkind outburst. 'I'm very sorry, I was out of line. I really do apologize for my rudeness,' he said. how long have you had arthritis?'
'I don't have it, father. I just heard here on the radio that the pope does.'

thats awesome
thanks for sharing

-Bryan L
Ha ha ha! good joke!

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