
Arthritis Info: right treatment, right diagnosis?

Hi,I did the following:

right treatment, right diagnosis?problem is im worried that i might have other disorders than what ive been told, at my last psychiatric assesment i was told i had a personality disorder, but i worried i might have some kind of anxiety disorder or mood disorder or bi polar, and ive not been given the right diagnosis, so i wont get the right treatment....my symptoms ive had for over 11 years, i used to have anger outburst in the street, i would get a feeling of detachment outside before i did,& although i dont have outbursts now i still have the the angry feelings inside towards people & the feeling i might have an outburst. so therfor i stay in all time. i have anxiety & great panic all the time with constant worry & racing thoughts constantly, low self esteem, .ive asked for a second opinion but i keep getting told from my mum, what if this psych feels the same and that im gonna have to accept and go with the advice sometime? the last psyche said i didnt have mental illness so i didnt need meds.im 29 wat should i do?

Sounds like you do in fact have a mental illness, more than likely you are bi-polar. I watched a show on this not that long ago, and you and the person being interviewed displayed the same symptoms. If your psych won't help you, find someone who will. Talk to other doctor's, your parents if they are around, friends, other counsellors, but keep talking until someone takes you seriously. Good luck!!

You should write down exactly what you wrote here, and take it to another doctor. You've described your symptoms very well, and it seems that you do have some sort of anxiety problem, or possibly depression. In addition to writing down your own description of your symptoms, look up anxiety, panic disorder, depression, etc. on the web, print out information on that take that to the doctor too. Point out to the doctor how you may fit these descriptions. Medication can especially help with racing thoughts (for instance, Depakote).

I know you said, "ive asked for a second opinion but i keep getting told from my mum, what if this psych feels the same and that im gonna have to accept and go with the advice sometime? "

Well, that is just the chance you have to take. It's true that the 2nd doctor may give you the same answer, but you won't know that until you ask. And, if the 2nd doctor doesn't help, then go to a 3rd and a 4th! You have nothing to lose by doing that, and everything to gain, I promise you. Your mum is not the one who has to feel the way you do, day in and day out. She may not understand what torture it is. People who don't suffer from mental illness themselves just don't have any idea what it is like. I'm sure she loves you and thinks she is helping you, but you have to take responsibility for yourself in this instance. It is so important.

If the 2nd (or 3rd) doctor doesn't give you an answer you are satisfied with, ASK QUESTIONS. Like, in what way does the doctor NOT think you fit the profile of someone who needs medications? If the doctor does not think you need medication, what suggestion does he or she have for you to cope with these symptoms? You get the idea...

You are a grown person and you have every right to question doctors and persist until you find a way to feel better. Doctors aren't always right, not with mental health diagnoses or even diagnoses about physical illness.

I'll reiterate, yes, it's possible that other doctors will tell you the same thing, but you can't worry about that now. Just keep pluggin away.

Take charge of finding the right solution for you. You deserve to be happy, or at least to feel normal. I have suffered from depression for many years and the best advice I have for you is DON'T GIVE UP!!! Finding a way to feel better is your #1 priority. I'll say again, you deserve it.

I really wish you luck!

Helpful answer below. About Arthritis - Rheumatoid Arthritis - Osteoarthritis - Related Conditions
Arthritis Medication, Prevention, Symptoms, Treatment and Causes by Gooarthritis.info

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