
Should I see an orthopedist, rheumatologist or neurologist?

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Should I see an orthopedist, rheumatologist or neurologist?I have neck, back and arm pain. I'v ehad it for a year now and getting no where. I have been diagnosed with so many different things and tried all kinds of trigger point injections and nothing has worked. My recent MRI shows osteophyte complex at C5-C6 with narrowing. herniated Discs at C4-C6 with also narrowing. Also straightening of the cervical lordosis and cervical spondylosis. All that and no one evr mentioned it. I haven't had an MRI of the entire spine just the C spine. My family has an extensive history of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and degenerative disc disease. All with the same pain and findings as me. When Imention this to the Doctor they say because I'm 34 years old."I'm too young for this stuff" ...yea right...my mom wasn't. So now nobody is doing anything and I'm in pain! Now my legs hurt and I have trouble walking. I also now have lower back pain and am getting worried. I think my neurologist is a joke since he ordered the MRI. Now what? Help!

-Cindy F
Rheumatologist- A rheumatologist is an internist or pediatrician who is qualified by additional training and experience in the diagnosis and treatment of arthritis and other diseases of the joints, muscles and bones. Many rheumatologists conduct research to determine the cause and better treatments for these disabling and sometimes fatal diseases.
Orthopedist-The branch of medicine that deals with the prevention or correction of injuries or disorders of the skeletal system and associated muscles, joints, and ligaments.
Neurologist-trained in the diagnosis and treatment of nervous system disorders, including diseases of the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and muscles.

Based on everything you've said I would recommend a rheumatologist. No matter what doc you see they will order another MRI to get a better to get a better and clear understanding of what is going on. Good Luck!

-Chantel B
I would definitely go to the Rheumatologist. They deal w/ the auto immune system over working itself and attacking your body's organs. My mum was in your situation. She started having problems w/ her bones and joints when she was about 34-35 yrs old. She was diagnosed w/ Crohn's Disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis. She also has problems w/ Her back and neck. Her Doctor put her on Rheumicade. It helps her a great deal.
Good Luck!!!

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