
I suffer from chronic imflammation ,thats lead to arthritis ,is there any help?

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I suffer from chronic imflammation ,thats lead to arthritis ,is there any help?
I was diagnosed with thyroid disease (hyper) I had a goiter, and I have bad allergies, and I also suffer from boils (I get them alot the dr said My sweat glands get clogged) I had to have surgery to remove them. I think there is an underlying cause for all these problems. I just don't know what it coulb be , hormones or whatever ...please give your ideas!!!

see a doctor and get checked for autoimmune diseases. my sister has problems with high levels of antibodies and autoimmune. her doctor put her on a medication that treats lupus and shes now doing great btw- she doesn't have lupus but the meds just help

-Zsa*Zsa* Galore
Fish Oil May Help Keep Inflammation at Bay

(HealthDay News) -- Eating fish oil, rather than vegetable oil, is a better means of managing the amount of inflammatory chemicals called prostanoids in the body, researchers report.

Researchers at the University of Michigan report that understanding how fish oil works may even help with the development of new anti-inflammatory drugs.

"Prostanoids help control blood pressure, fight allergies, and modulate inflammation, but too much of them, especially those made from vegetable oils, can also lead to increased pain, swelling and redness in various tissues," William H. Smith, professor and chair of biological chemistry at UM, said in a prepared statement.

"Our study shows that prostanoids made from fish oil are less effective at causing pain and swelling than those made from vegetable oil and that adding fish oil to the diet decreases the amount of prostanoids made from vegetable oil," he said.

Smith and his research team added vegetable and fish oils to cultured cells and observed the effects. As fish oil amounts increased, the total prostanoids formed by vegetable oil decreased.

Both oils are converted into prostanoids with the help of enzymes called cyclo-oxygenases (cox) of two types: cox-1 and cox-2. Fish oil prefers to bind with cox-1, preventing vegetable oil from binding to the enzyme. However, fish oil did not have the same protective effect with cox-2 and a significant amount of the vegetable oil was still changed into prostanoids.

According to Smith, a better understanding of the difference between the two enzymes could open up avenues for anti-inflammatory drugs that target cox-2 and reduce the production of prostanoids from vegetable oil.

"The drugs that are currently used to inhibit cox-1 and cox-2 provide relief from the symptoms of inflammation and pain, but they still have many side effects," Smith said. "By better understanding how prostanoids work at the cellular level, we hope to find new ways to regulate inflammation and create better anti-inflammatory drugs."

The study is published in the Aug. 3 issue of Journal of Biological Chemistry

The first published journal article on the benefits of high-dose fish oil as a treatment for arthritis appeared in 1775. The oil used in that study was a very crude form of cod liver oil. (Remember that I said people used to let the oil from cod's liver ooze out into the streets?) Patients who could stomach the horrific-tasting oil (estimated to be a daily dose of 7 grams of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids) enjoyed spectacular relief of pain. But the taste of the oil was so putrid that they soon abandoned the fish oil for other, more pleasant-tasting elixirs like alcohol.

Some two hundred years later, fish oil finally returned to the arthritis scene. In the 1980s, positive research findings ushered in claims that fish oil was a "new" miracle cure for arthritis. Since fish oil was now more refined and could be consumed in soft gelatin capsules, the taste was not so bad. Early studies used only about 3.6 grams of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, so although the results were positive, they were not spectacular. Also, this fish oil was health-food grade, so higher doses wouldn't have been tolerable. Because such a low dose of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids was used, it isn't too surprising that the benefits were not dramatic.

On the basis of my experience using Ultra Refined high-dose fish oil for patients with severe pain (such as fibromyalgia and gout), I'm confident that Ultra Refined high-dose fish oil, especially when coupled with improved insulin control, will have a significant role to play in the treatment of chronic pain, including arthritis.


Arthritis isn't the only inflammatory condition that can be relieved by Ultra Refined high-dose fish oil. Autoimmune disorders, in which the immune system begins attacking the body as if it were a foreign invader, can also be alleviated with Ultra Refined high-dose fish oil.

However, injections of "good" eicosanoids (like PGEi) – which fish oil is known to boost – have a spectacular effect on the life span.

Ultra Refined high-dose fish oil is acting not only as a modulator of eicosanoids but also probably as an inhibitor of the release of various inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1, IL-6, and TNF.

As you can see, Ultra Refined high-dose fish oil has a remarkable ability to decrease a broad spectrum of inflammatory mediators, resulting in a reduction in pain associated with seemingly hopeless chronic conditions.



I advise taking Dr. Sears, Zone Labs, Omega 3 (Fish Oil) Capsules. It is one of the few that is pharmaceutical grade & mercury-free. I take it for other inflammation symptoms related to Fibromyalgia & it has really made a huge difference for me. Another supplement that would benefit you greatly is Osteo-Biflex with Glucosamine & Chrondrotin with Hyaluronic Acid.(Triple Strength)

These 2 supplements will really make a difference that you will be able to feel within 5-7 days! Also, check out this site for the anti-inflammatory diet, it should help you get even more pain relief.

Hope this helps! Good luck!

Helpful answer below. About Arthritis - Rheumatoid Arthritis - Osteoarthritis - Related Conditions
Arthritis Medication, Prevention, Symptoms, Treatment and Causes by Gooarthritis.info

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