
I have been under the care of a pain mangement doc for almost 5 years due to chronic and severe back pain. My?

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I have been under the care of a pain mangement doc for almost 5 years due to chronic and severe back pain. My?I was recently "fired" due to a drug screen that showed positive for cocaine, funny thing is I have NEVER touched it!! I demanded a retest which I was denied, also denied a blood drug scree (even though I was already scheduled for labs..hmmm. Let me add that I had been with this doc for quite a while and had been an exemplary patient, never an early refill-nothing. I was diagnosed with spinal facet arthritis at L4,L5-S1. Also carpal tunnel syndrome and spondylosis. Throw in sacroiliac issues and an annual tear at S1 (sp)? and I have been a miserable soul. After a year of long acting morphine and percocet for breakthrough pain, we finally settled on 60 mg of methadone a day, as well as 2 7.5 mg percocet 3x a day for breakthrough pain, and occasional injections for my wrists, had a new MRI for injections to try in my back and neck as well. The "failed" drug test stopped all that! When I called the lab that did the test they said that the specimen had only been tested once, even though I had requested a retest??? Hmmm..when I was in the office picking up my records, a patient was sent out with another patients scripts..oops. In addition-I am listed as a MALE patient on the "failed" drug screeen-another hmmm. So-I have been turned down by all of the pain dos in this area, they will not touch me after the drug screen, even though I was an otherwise perfect patient. I went to a family doctor who has the bedside manner of a goat and after GLANCING at my MRI he said that it was normal...when I asked him what the conditions meant, he said "just a little arthiritis-nothing is wrong with you". He says he will help me get off the meds...he immediately cut ALL my percs, and within 8 days has cut my methadone by 10 mgs..not to mention he plans to have me off of them within a month,,,and then what I ask? He wants me to go to a pain center for PT and injections..ok fine..but if there is nothing wrong with me, why would he do that> Did I mention that I do not have insurance after April? How can I pay for injections,etc? I was finally comfortable and had a great quality of life, I guess my question is this-Is spondylosis and sacroiliac normal??? He says he cannot prescribe my usual meds since that is not a warranted cause for opiates?? help-I have the right to be BELIEVED when I say I am in pain!!!!! I have a very poor quality of life without the meds and a greta omne with them...what can I do-Im so scared!!!
Ok-sorry-when Is aid "fired"-I meant from my pain clinic-she said I tested positive for cocaine-I have NEV ER used it...I had always been a compliant patient otherwise and begged for a chance to prove my innocence-I was scheduled for blood work the same day and asked that a blood tox screen be added to clarify the results and rule out a false positive or a mix up in urine samples..I also asked the lab to recheck the urine-I was denied on each and she refused to treat me any longer-Now I am trying to find a new pain management doc and it is hard b/c of the supposed failed drug screen-I went to a new doc-he says that NOTHING shows on my MRI that warrants the use of pain meds..HA! As I stated..I have spondylosis, osteoarthritis at L4,L5-S1. As well as sacroiliac (sp) and a small annual tear at L5. Also carpal tunnel in each wrist. The new doc wants me to rely on injections for pain relief-I have no insurance very soon...and then what? I can afford meds, and my pain was very well managed w
to Kait-as far as my story "not gelling"...whatever..I ws discharged from my pain doc of 5 years due to a drug test showing cocaine in my system...I have NEVER used it, have ALWAYS been a compliant patient-no early refills, etc...perfect. I begegd for a chance to prove my innocence...blood test, retest..etc..nothing. I was discharged with no refferal so had to go to new doc for that-was honest with him, as I feel honesty is always best-HE added notes to my refferals to 7 different pain docs in area-"discharged from previous pain clinic due to Cocaine use..ha" Therefore-I have been turned down by all aprticipating (medicaid) pain docs within 20 miles of my house...It has been a nightmare..and before you say there is no way it could have been wrong-search the internet for false positives..ok? I am not an illegal drug user...so KAIT...does that clear up some issues for you? Thanks..and btw-I am looking for help, not opinions as to my innocence or juice commercials...thanks. Any input will
sorry-I meant KAT

My head is spinning,way too much information. Your story just doesn't gel. How would every doctor in the community find out about your drug test. It would be unethical to turn you down solely on that bases of one test. Every employer has a slightly different method as how they screen for drugs.Some have very limited resources and this is it reflects in their results. Was this a urine test? If you do come up positive on a drug test and you can prove that you are taking any type of narcotics that would delete the positive drug test. There are so many inconsistency in your story that is difficult to answer your questions. Your employer might have used the drug test as an excuse to fire you for other reasons.Please,I am saying that you aren't in pain but I can't sort through all the information to help you.There are some doctors who just don't use pain medication very much.

Here are a few testimonials from people with chronic pain that got relief from Xango. It is a juice from the mangosteen and is an extremely powerful anti-inflamatory. If you would like more information, please send me a message.



Rosanne from Taranaki
Chronic fatigue and Fibromyalgia meant that I gave up full time work in a position that I loved. Four years later I am now working half time after much rest and then I discovered mangosteen juice juice and in 4 weeks I feel more improvement in my general health than in the past four years. The combination of the juice and the advice of Lynn from flourishwithfood.com has my life buzzing again. Mangosteen juice is pure gold!

I would like to share my story of how I overcame the pain from Fibromyalgia and arthritis. I've had chronic fatigue and Fibromyalgia since 1988. In 2004 I read an article in the newspaper about mangosteen fruit juice and what it could do for diabetes, Fibromyalgia, arthritis and migraines. I have had ten major surgeries, and with Fibromyalgia and arthritis in my shoulders and hips, I was in pain all the time. It was keeping me awake a lot at night and I would take additional pills to sleep. I took many prescription drugs for allergies, asthma, pain and more. After two months and eleven days of taking mangosteen fruit juice I felt no more pain. You can't even believe what that feels like after all these years! After four days I had more energy and no longer had to take a daily nap. My pain level kept dropping, and I stopped taking most of the prescription medications. I am getting out of the house more often and hope to get back into golf this year.

6/20/2008 -- Jeanette I have experienced the pain of Fibromyalgia for almost 20 years and honestly thought that pain was my identity. I was just about to look up ways to get on disability when I was given information on this powerful juice made from the mangosteen fruit. In a matter of days, I was sure I was sensing an energy increase and then in 2 months, it dawned on me that I was in hardly any pain and I was actually hurrying somewhere in a fast walk instead of a slow painful pace. I am convinced that our bodies cry out for natural foods to answer our medical problems. Our taste buds have become our enemy and got us into a lot of trouble. At least that is true for me. It isn't to late for you to find health again. I never thought I would enjoy my grandchildren Like I do now and trying mangosteen juice was the best thing I ever did. Don't let this opportunity pass you by.

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Orignal From: I have been under the care of a pain mangement doc for almost 5 years due to chronic and severe back pain. My?

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