
How to lower the obesity rates?

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How to lower the obesity rates?Since it is estimated that 75% of Americans will be obese by 2015....

And since obesity is a costly condition that can reduce quality of life and increases the risk for many serious chronic diseases and premature death.


Child Obesity Linked to Early Death, Before Age 55
Obesity responsible for more than - 100,000 cases of cancer per year
Childhood obesity - linked to stiff arteries
- linked to fewer "pleasure" receptors
- linked to poor school performance
- linked to more liver disease than alcohol :O
- linked to lower testosterone levels
- early puberty in young girls
Teen Obesity - Linked to Later Multiple Sclerosis
- increases risk of coronary heart disease and stroke
- increases the risk of developing osteoarthritis (a degeneration of cartilage and its underlying bone within a joint)
- increases risk of Alzheimer's disease
- Diabetes
- Dyslipidemia
- Sleep apnea and respiratory problems
- High blood pressure
- can increase the risk of dementia up to 80%
- Gynecological problems
- increases risk of Fibromygalia
- linked to sexual Dysfunction
- linked to lower sperm count
-- increased risk of many cancers
- breast cancer
- endometrial cancer
- colorectal cancer
- ovarian cancer
- gallbladder
- aggressive prostate cancer
- pancreatic cancer
- esophageal cancers
- kidney cancer

Obesity = brain shrinkage = stupidity ....

"The researchers found that all of these OBESITY indicators were inversely
associated with total brain volume - that is, the higher any indicator was, the SMALLER THE BRAIN VOLUME -
and that the association between abdominal fat and brain volume was the strongest of all.
Waist-to-hip ratio was also found to be associated with increased temporal horn volume,
independently of other obesity indicators.
The temporal horn is a part of the ventricular system; its volume is known to increase with age,
and in conditions such as Alzheimer's Disease, depression and schizophrenia.
Enlargement of the temporal horn invariably involves a reduction in the volume of temporal lobe structures such as
the hippocampus, and thus is closely associated with MEMORY IMPAIRMENTS.

"Fat cells produce estrogen, which are now known to be a factor in breast cancer and endometrial cancer.
Fatty tissue also affects the way the body metabolizes insulin,
which can alter how sugar is processed and how it ultimately gets to cells.

Fatty tissue, also known as adipose tissue, produces hormones on its own that could play a role in promoting cancer cells.
It also has been shown to produce chronic, low-grade inflammation in the body.

Oh and currently, there are 52 million americans suffering from arthritis.
Turns out, 10 extra pounds increases the force on each knee by between 30 and 60 pounds with every step.

Other question: How much are obesity induced diseases costing america?

eat healthy

I wouldn't care if I didn't have to subsidize their health with MY insurance rates.

When people get fat, we all pay for it.

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Arthritis Medication, Prevention, Symptoms, Treatment and Causes by Gooarthritis.info

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