
Arthritis Info: question about apple cider please?

Hi,I did the following:

question about apple cider please?okay i heard that apple cider vinegar helps with alot of stuff like this............Helps ease the itch and rid chiggers
Helps with hot flashes in menopausal women
Helps treat insect bites and skin allergies
Helps relieve and heal poison ivy
Helps prevent heart disease and stroke
Helps soothe and heal a sunburn
Helps rid head lice
Great for your joints
Great for arthritis
Gets rid of bad breath
Great anti viral and anti bacterial agents
Use a cup in as a hair rinse - makes your hair shiny
Gives you relief of pollen, food and pet allergies (I need that)
Treats your sinus infections
Helps reduce the risk or tumors
Help rid warts
Reduces total body stresses and tension
Helps treat hemorrhoids and varicose veins
Great for acne, and skin problems
Helps lower your high cholesterol
Helps heals your wounds and skin abrasions
Helps retain your youth
Can act as an appetite suppressant and aid in weight loss
Helps prevent osteoporosis
Helps rid the common cold
i want to try it but i heard it also helps you lose weight but i don't want to lose weight if i dring this but i don't work out or try to lose weight will it make me lose weight..........and what kind of apple cider vinegar can i drink.......if i drink too much will it get me sick?
i see theres also pills but i perfer the drink because i'm afraid to over dose myself and is this something i need to talk to a doctor about

You need to talk to a doctor period. It seems that you have a lot of questions my dear! I am not trying to be a smarty pants....or create any type of embarrassment. But, if you were my sister I would show up at your door step...car running...knock on your door...give you a split second to grab your purse and I will take you to a clinic! So you can get all of your answers and a health analysis done!

Girl...be careful of trying to many things and or products. You only get one body and you are female. Females body's are sensitive. You gotta take care of it honey. Again be careful and make smart, sound decisions.

-Love sky

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