
Why I feel pain & become sick after doing meditation & yoga?

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Why I feel pain & become sick after doing meditation & yoga?I'm female. 24 yrs old. I had headache for 16 yrs, backpain for 7 yrs, constipation for 2 yrs & osteoarthritis for 3 months.

After doing meditation & yoga, honestly speaking, all the problems were almost gone. I don't take painkiller or sleeping pills. And most importantly arthritis pain was totally gone.

I usually don't experience Fever. But last month, I had it & it was 103 degree F. 2 days ago again I had fever & it was 104.5 degree F. Is this a viral fever? Or am I overreacting at meditation?

Whenever I continue yoga, I feel internal pain at my left chest and back. So I stopped doing one particular posture, which gives pressure on backbone. Is it ok?

I'm glad you are feeling better. You may have a pinched nerve when you are in certain poses or may be getting internal muscle spasms. Maybe you can alter the posture a bit to relieve pressure. If this ONLY happens after that one position that's an important clue. Especially if you were able to perform that posture successfully before, without problems.

You should check this out with your doctor. The recurrence of fever doesn't sound right, you could have an internal infection.

I get acid reflux and internal pain from certain positions, but it's a muscle issue with a 24 hour delay after a certain exercise. My physical therapist probably thought I was nuts and my doctor thought it was my gall bladder and recommended surgery. After a bunch of tests, the specialist he referred me to gave me a prescription pain patch to put over the abdomen when I exercised. Since it worked, they finally believed me when I said it was that one exercise, even though the pain waited 24 hours to start. Fortunately, they know that I'm compliant and honest about if I'm not going to do something, I let them know and ask for help in altering my activity to compensate.

Start keeping a symptom diary that includes your daily activities and any variations in your routine. It sounds like you are really tuned into your body and it's telling you something is wrong.

If you think your doctor won't listen, bring a friend (an outgoing type who is not easily distracted, to keep things on track and not let the doctor ignore things you think are important) with to your visit and have her help explain how successfully you are working on your other health issues and that this is something new. I think doctors listen better when there is a three-way conversation. Doctors need to hear about what you are doing right as well as what is feeling wrong.

You can also look up your medications online an look for drug interactions and side effects, especially if you started a new medication or changed the dosage. Check out supplements you may be taking. Sometimes fever and pain are side effects and can be triggered by activity.

You have been treated for osteoarthritis for three months and the fevers and pain started after that. That could be the trigger.

Make an appointment with your doctor and while you are waiting, start a time-line of when you changed activities, medications, and symptoms and any other changes happening around you. It may help you figure out when things changed and what caused it.

drugs.com has an easy to use drug & supplement interaction checker that includes foods & supplements that interfere with medications. You can print medication and symptom reports to take to the doctor and you can sign up for email alerts & warnings from the FDA about your medications.

I wish you good luck. You have been working hard and it seems to be paying off.

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