
Rescued 13 horses yesturday....should this one be put down?

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Rescued 13 horses yesturday....should this one be put down?I rescued 13 horses yesturday.Most are starved and scared of people because of abusive owners. One is extremely thin and lame with arthritis and left eye missing. The vet came out and said that he can still live a good life as long as he is put on medicines to help with the arthritis and that he gains weight and muscle. Do you think I should have him put down? I'm having a hard time deciding wether to keep him or have him put down.He is 26 years old.
His health is so bad that he drags his right hind leg everywhere he goes.

how bad is the arthritis???

if its overly bad he may have trouble copeing with the weight he will gain back in the recorvery stage

also in cold weather hes going to be in alot of pain

i personally beleive you should give it a shot and see
if he goes down hill then have him rest and put him down

let him enjoy the sunrise and fall for a few days and let him ly in the sun and warm his belly

let him play with the other horses and become part of a herd

he does sound like he hasnt got long left though as even if he does get his muscle and fat back i dont think he will be the same as the arthritis comes into play

awwww poor thing, SAVE HIM! put him on meds and let him live his life, hes odviously not ready to go. awww please dont put him down, give him to some person that will love and take care of the precious horse. awwww if i could i would take him

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