
Microbiology Case Studies, Know any of these?

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Microbiology Case Studies, Know any of these?Case 1
A 24-year old female automotive technician presents herself at the doctor's office. She complains of fever and of pain in her left hand.
On physical examination, the patient had a deep wound on her left palm that was oozing pus. She had purplish, red streaks running up her left arm. She had enlarged lymph nodes at the elbow and under her arm. The patient's skin was warm and dry.
In her history, the patient had punctured her left palm with sharp metal from the undercarriage of a "real cherry" 1977 Malibu about a week earlier. She said the wound had bled for a few minutes and she thought that she had washed it "real good" with soap and water. She had covered the wound with a large "band-aid" and gone back to work. She developed a fever about three days later. For the past couple of days, she "did not feel so good" and had vomiting and diarrhea.

1. What type of infection do you believe she has in this hand?
a. Streptococcus pyogenes
b. Staphylococcus aureus
c. Clostridium
d. Pseudomonas
e. Pasteurella multocida
2. From complaint and physical examination, which of the symptoms lead you to your choice of agent?
a. the fever and pain in the hand
b. the fever, wound with oozing pus and enlarged lymph nodes
c. the lymph nodes and red streaks
d. the warm dry skin
e. the pain, red streaks and enlarged lymph nodes
3. From the history, which of the information confirmed your choice?
a. The wound had bled for a while.
b. The wound was cleaned with soap and water.
c. The wound had been covered and had perhaps become anaerobic.
d. She had diarrhea and vomiting.
e. The cut was from a rusting car frame.
4. Which of the following is most likely to follow this infection?
a. gangrene and amputation
b. toxic shock syndrome
c. muscle spasms
d. neurological disfunction of the hand
e. arthritis

Case 2
A lethargic 22-month old black female was presented by her mother to the emergency room at 2:15am on a Sunday. The child had a history of a runny nose, hoarse cough and low-grade fever (~99F) for the past 48 hours. The mother was concerned about the forced and noisy breathing of the child. The pediatrician examined the child and found cloudy eyes and mild inflammation of the ears, but no overt signs of bacterial infection (no significant changes in the eardrums). The throat of the child was red and coated with mucus. The larynx was swollen and raw.

The physician performed a rapid Strep test and found it was negative. Throat swabs were taken for culture. The physician placed the child in a room with a warm vaporizer for about 30 minutes. This dramatically improved the breathing of the child.

1. What is the presumptive diagnosis for this case?
a. bacterial pharyngitis due to Bordetella pertussis
b. Viral pharyngitis
c. pneumonia
d. bacteremia

2. If the lab also reported a negative throat culture, which of the following assumptions can be made about the patient?
a. the patient has Streptococcus pyogenes infection
b. the patient has Streptococcus agalactiae infection
c. the patient has a lung infection
d. Streptococcus pyogenes is not the primary cause of the patient's symptoms

3. Due to the negative strep test, negative throat culture little of no pus on pharynx, good response to warm vapor to clear congestion, we can reasonably conclude that this patient is suffering from
a. Haemophilus influenzae infection
b. Staphlococcus aureus infection
c. a viral infection
d. Neisseria meningitidis infection

4. Which of the following medications should not be used to treat this patient at this time?
a. Penicillin G
b. Ciprofloxacin
c. Tetracycline
d. All of the above

Case 3
A 68-year old patient with Alzheimer disease was brought to the emergency room by the staff of a local nursing home. He presented as lethargic with a sallow complexion. He had an admission temperature of 102.4F and a respiratory rate of 33/minute. During respiration, the right side of his chest moved better than the left. He showed dense consolidation of the lower lobe of the left lung on physical exam. A sputum sample revealed blood and a greenish color.

A chest x-ray showed tight consolidation of the left lung with evidence of formation of cavities in the lung tissue from cytotoxic damage. The patient complained of chills in the exam room, combined with his fever. A smear of his sputum demonstrated no acid-fast bacteria.

1. What is your presumptive diagnosis for this case?
a. viral pharyngitis
b. viral pneumonia
c. bacterial pneumonia caused by a gram-negative cocci such as streptococcus pneumonia
d. bacterial pneumonia caused by gram-negative rod such as Klebsiella pneumonia

2. Which of the following medications could be used to treat this patient?
a. anti-viral drugs such as amantadine
b. anti-fungal drugs such as amphotericin
c. antibiotics against gram positive rods
d. antibiotics against gram negative rods

Case 4
A 35-year old accountant presented to his physician with a stead

I´ll try to answer case 1 since I´m short of time

1- I believe it could be
c. Clostridium tetani
c. the lymph nodes and red streaks
e. The cut was from a rusting car frame
c. muscle spasms

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Orignal From: Microbiology Case Studies, Know any of these?

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