
Mass Vax Begins in Quebec

Mass Vax Begins in Quebec

Massive media campaign is being launched to 'seduce' people into voluntarily receiving the H1N1 shot at mass vaccination sites which intend to vaccinate 75000 people per day, with a goal of giving 75% of the population the shot. We are to receive cards in the mail telling us when, according to our age and health status, it is our turn to present ourselves at these mass vax sites to receive our shots. The Canadaian vaccine, manufactured by GSK, is Pandemrix,which contains the dangerous adjuvant, squalene, as well as thimerosal (mercury). The media is outright lying to the public about the presence of these ingredients and the dangers posed by them. In July of this year, the Quebec government passed a law allowing themto forcibly vaccinate people under a 'public health emergency'. While the vaccine is voluntary at this time,it remains to be seen whether these powers will eventually be enacted against the refusers. pandemrix et ingredients (document de GSK) www.emea.europa.eu Squalene lie au Gulf War Syndrome: Squalene adjuvants are used to induce arthritis in rats. CRC handbook of animal models for the rheumatic diseases, Volume 1, describes how serious arthritis and hind-quarters paralysis is induced in rats by injecting them with squalene. By Robert A. Greenwald, Herbert S. Diamond books.google.ca Association of squalene adjuvant with Gulf War Syndrome in US military personnel Squalene, an orgamic polymer which occurs naturally in the human body, is, in remanufactured ...
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