
I reached CROSSROADS! You tell me where from here!?

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I reached CROSSROADS! You tell me where from here!?What do I do from here? I am 30 years old and my happiness is at 30%. I need something new and big! I feel like I need to take the NUMEROUS amount of skills and talents and use them in some way. Unfortunatly, the only way I know how is the internet. Let me give you MY SKILLS and TALENTS, and you can tell me what I should do.
First of all though, I will throw a number in front of it to show how well I am at what I do OUT OF 10.
10 Graphic Artist
7 Making Cakes (3 Tier wedding cakes, Birthday Etc..)
8 Website building
9 Flash Design
9 Painting/Art
9 Cooking Pizzas,Italian by Scratch (worked as a cook)
10 Full of Advice for people ( Could be next Dr. Phil)
10 Figuring out things on my own! ANYTHING!
8 Medically Knowledgable ( I am Hyperchondriac sometimes and read medical books since I was 16 years old)

9 For Driving (Knock on Wood)
10 Computer repair/Rebuilding
4 on Physical Health ( I have ANkylosing SPondylitis) Arthritis
5 appearance
It is too late to go back to college. I am not well enough to work a standard shift. I must work my own hours and ditch digging is very funny since my spine is affected by my disease. I gues there is one thing I can't figure out and that is this question.

the new and exciting field of ditch digging is right up your alley.

-Golden Child
Something in Humanities.....maybe in a hospital setting

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Orignal From: I reached CROSSROADS! You tell me where from here!?

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