
Arthritis Info: Why is it that whenever...? (Question about rats!)?

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Why is it that whenever...? (Question about rats!)?Well, when people ask questions about wether or not rats are good pets/ if they should get rats, I tell them about my experiences with rats.

My friend used to have two rats and they were wonderful pets. They were friendly, intuitive, smart, fun, clever and very sweet and loving. We played with them everyday for for at least 4 hours and never got bored. They were just so much fun! We truly loved them dearly.

However, about 2 years into this I got ratbite fever. Now, the name of this infectious disease is quite misleading, as I was never bitten by a rat (her rats were always superbly trained and extremely gentle), I just played with it and didn't wash my hands frequently enough afterward.
This resulted in extreme pain for me. For two weeks I was bed ridden with migrating arthritis (which prevented my from being able to walk by myself. It was mortifying as I couldn't even get to the bathroom without assistance), the most horrible headaches I've ever experienced (severe migraines that didn't go away), a constant fever, depsite having been given regular doses of tylenol and such, as well as having a blistering rash. My joints swelled up, and I wasn't able to move my elbow, but worst of all none of my doctors could diagnose me. I went in for day after day of testing until I decided to go see a specialist (after probably 9 or 10 days). Then, I had to go stay in the hospital for 5 days. I have small veins, and the IV was incredibly painful. I was quarantined for the first day, and the hospital stay alone ended costing my family over $ 16,000. Then there was the added costs of the previous testing I had been undergoing for the days prior to being diagnosed. ALL rats carry this disease, though not all humans catch it.

So after telling people this, my answer seems to always get thumbs downed, and I'm not sure why this is. Do rat owners simply refuse to believe that rats do in fact carry disease, or what? Because with all respect meant to them, I know from personal experience that they do.

Now I'm not saying that they aren't superb pets, because really, they're wonderful little creatures, but I simply advise people to wash their hands frequently so that they can stay healthy while having their rats. I just want to raise awareness that this does happen so people should be careful.

Why am I being thumbsdowned? D:
sorry it's so long. o.o

feel free to skim a bit.

-Hidari K
Because it sheds a negative light on Rats. It's like saying... "I got this horrid disease from a lizard... but they still are clean and never bite!" There could have been ALL sorts of possibilities as to why the rat gave you some type of illness... It's mainly from infected urine.

Plus, The only way you can get it is if you didn't wash yourself properly and or didn't clean a cut properly. You can't blame the rat, not should you even mention it... because chances are... it was your fault!

Not trying to sound mean, but what I'm telling you is truth with personal experience!

-aubrey p
I don't know why they give a thumbs down, it is a good bit of advice. It is always a good idea to wash your hands after handling rats, turtles, and many other animals. Maybe it was the way you said it?

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