
Arthritis Info: What happens when a dog is put to sleep?

Hi,I did the following:

What happens when a dog is put to sleep?I have to put my 17yrs old pekingese to sleep tomorrow. I have had her ever since I was16yrs old. She was a very precious Sweet 16 birthday gift from my mom. When she was given to me she was 6 was only 7 weeks old. She has been my best friend for half of my life and now its time for me to let her go. She is blind in one eye, has arthritis in her legs, sleeps most of the day, week bowels, has major hearing loss and maybe some slight memory loss. My mom tells me that its time for me to let her go. She very tired. Its killing me but, deep down inside, I know she's right. Tomorrow is the day that I take her to the vet for her peaceful rest. What can I do to make sure she is comfortable. How can I let her know that I am there with her and that I love her so much? What is to be expected when I take her to the vet?

-Madeleine N
pet her, coax her talk to her very sweetly saying everything will be alright. They are in no pain its just a shot and they stop breathing...Its very peaceful

That's so sad....Just keep telling her how much you love her. The vet usually gives them a shot to make them drowzy, then another shot to make the heart slowly stop....I'm sorry, I don't know what else to say.

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